Concept 12 Evolution begins with the inheritance of gene variations.

1849 portrait of Darwin, drawn about the time of Beagle voyage.
Charles Darwin, around 1859.
Caricature of Darwin after the publication of Origin of Species.
Interior of Darwin's study, towards the windows.
Interior of Darwin's study, showing mantlepiece, corner and Darwin's chair on wheels.
Darwin's chair with the first edition of Origin of Species
George Harrison Shull in greenhouse.

Hugo de Vries was chosen as an honorary associate of the Station for Experimental Evolution. William Bateson, Carl Correns and Eric Tschermak were listed as correspondents — scientists willing to exchange "publications and correspondence upon matters of mutual interest."

Mendel knew about Darwin's theory but there is no evidence that Darwin knew about Mendel's theory. What would have happened if these two met and had a discussion about heredity?
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1849 portrait of Darwin, drawn about the time of Beagle voyage.