Concept 13 Mendelian laws apply to human beings.

Sir Archibald Edward Garrod, around 1910.
Colonel Archibald Edward Garrod in his World War I uniform.
(P. 1 of 3) Letter from T.H. Morgan to Charles Davenport about Mohr's work on brachydactyly.
(P. 2 of 3) Letter from T.H. Morgan to Charles Davenport about Mohr's work on brachydactyly.
(P. 3 of 3) Letter from T.H. Morgan to Charles Davenport about Mohr's work on brachydactyly.

Another recessive disorder that afflicted British Royalty was porphyria, a disease resulting in periods of madness. King George III (1760-1820), the one who "lost" the American colonies, had porphyria. George III was so unstable that his son George IV ruled in his stead as regent, leading to the Regency period.

Many inherited diseases are more prevalent in certain populations. For example, African-Americans are more likely to suffer from sickle cell anemia, Askenazi Jews are more likely to have Tay-Sachs disease. Why is this?
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Sir Archibald Edward Garrod, around 1910.